Operating Regulations

Last updated: April 1, 2023

The Glow Application is an electronic commerce platform that serves the purpose of connecting service providers in the fields of Spa, Massage, Therapy, Beauty, etc., with individuals seeking to utilize Spa and Beauty services, among others. The Glow Application is designed to provide maximum support to users who want to access online information about various types of services or make online bookings for these services.

I. General Principles

The Glow electronic trading platform is operated and managed by BK VIETNAM TECHNOLOGY JOINT STOCK COMPANY (the Company). Users on the electronic trading platform include traders and organizations engaged in legal Spa and Massage services recognized and authorized by Glow, and are allowed to use services provided by the Glow Electronic Commerce Trading Platform and related parties.

These principles apply to registered users who use and participate in posting listings on the Glow Electronic Commerce Trading Platform.

Traders, organizations, and individuals participating in transactions on the Glow Electronic Commerce Trading Platform are free to negotiate on the basis of respecting the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved in the use of services through contracts, without violating legal regulations.

Information about traders and organizations participating as users on Glow must be transparent and accurate.

Services participating in transactions on the Glow Electronic Commerce Trading Platform must fully comply with relevant legal regulations, and must not fall under prohibited business activities or prohibited advertisements as stipulated by law.

Transactions conducted via the Glow Electronic Commerce Trading Platform must be conducted openly and transparently, ensuring the rights of customers/users of services.

II. General Regulations

Name of Electronic Commerce Trading: The Glow Electronic Commerce Trading Platform developed by BK VIETNAM TECHNOLOGY JOINT STOCK COMPANY with the application name: Glow (hereinafter referred to as: "Glow").

General Definitions:

Technician: A person who has the need to provide services through Glow, including posting information about Spa and Massage services.

Customer (customer/user): Traders, organizations, individuals with the need to use services posted on Glow.

User: Includes both technicians and customers (Technicians and Customers).

Users participating in transactions on Glow are traders, organizations, and individuals with the need to use services on the website.

Users must initially register and provide relevant personal information, recognized by the Glow Management Board, and authorized to use services provided by Glow.

When you register as a user of Glow, you understand that:

Users can create their own personal accounts to use.

Users can schedule services at the correct price and standards as committed by legitimate traders published on Glow.

III. Transaction Procedures

1. Procedures for Customers

When customers have the intention to purchase goods on Glow, they should follow the steps below:

Search, reference service information

Customers will select and schedule appointments based on the information provided by Technicians. After making their selection, they can press the appointment button, fill in their information, and proceed with the payment.

Technicians will contact customers to confirm the schedule.

2. Procedures for Technicians and Glow Management Board

2.1. Account Creation

- Registering an account: Technicians register an account on the Glow application.

2.2. Registering to provide services

- Technicians access the registration section to sign up as Partners.

- Technicians provide complete personal information.

Select Save to store personal information

2.3. Procedures for the Glow Management Board

The information will be saved on the administration page and displayed on the Glow application.

The management board performs post-audit tasks combined with keyword filtering tools to review information from Users and Technicians.

3. Return and Refund Policy

Since Glow is not the service provider, the return and exchange of services will be carried out according to the policy of each Technician.

Glow requires Technicians to provide complete service information when posting.

Glow recommends users to carefully read information or directly contact Technicians to understand the service before making an appointment.

Glow will assist users within its capabilities regarding returns and refunds.

4. Dispute Resolution and Complaint Support Procedures

Step 1: Users who have complaints about Technicians' services can email: binh.do@glowvietnam.com. Users can also directly report to the administration. BK VIETNAM TECHNOLOGY JOINT STOCK COMPANY

Step 2: Glow's Customer Care department will receive complaints from users. Depending on the nature and severity of the complaint, Glow will take specific measures to assist users in resolving the dispute.

Step 3: In cases beyond the scope and jurisdiction of Glow, the management board will request customers to escalate the matter to a competent state authority for resolution according to the law.

Users can send complaints to the address:


Address: Floor 14, No. 169 Nguyen Ngoc Vu, Trung Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: 0888129100

Email: binh.do@glowvietnam.com

Complaint, Warning, Dispute Regulations

All posts must meet the following conditions, otherwise, they will be blocked:

The subject of the report is a Glow user;

The incident must be related to the user's post on Glow;

Concrete evidence must be provided;

No offensive, abusive, threatening language;

Complaints must be specific and clear, while also including:

The account of the complaining user.

Relevant evidence link.

Glow respects and seriously implements legal regulations for protecting customer (user) rights. Therefore, users are advised to provide complete, accurate, truthful, and detailed information related to the service when posting on the platform. Any deceptive or fraudulent business activities will be condemned and held fully accountable before the law.

All parties, including Technicians and Users, must take active responsibility in problem-solving. Technicians need to provide documentation authenticating the information related to the conflicting incident to Users. Glow will provide information about Users and Technicians when requested by users or parties involved in the dispute.

After Technicians and Users have resolved the dispute, they must inform the Glow administration. In the event of a conflicting transaction in which the fault lies with the Technician, Glow will issue warnings, lock the account, or transfer the case to the competent legal authority based on the severity of the violation. Glow will terminate and remove all service information related to the Technician on the platform, while also requiring the Technician to make reasonable compensation to customers based on agreements with users.

If, through mutual agreement, the dispute between the two parties (User and Technician) cannot be resolved, one of the parties (User or Technician) has the right to seek intervention from the competent legal authority to ensure the legitimate interests of all parties, especially users.

IV. Payment Procedures

1. Payment of Order Discount Percentage between Technician and Glow Trading Platform Owner

For Technicians (service providers): For each successful order on the Glow system, Glow will charge a % fee from the service-providing users. This fee is essential for Glow to maintain the system and promote the brand.

2. Payment between Users and Technicians

Users and Technicians carry out payments through Glow and according to the payment methods specified by Glow.

3. Ensuring Transaction Security

To ensure successful transactions and minimize potential risks:

Technicians must provide complete information (name, address, phone number, email) in the personal information section.

Users should not provide detailed payment information to anyone via email or other forms of contact. Glow is not responsible for any losses or risks that users may incur in exchanging their information over the Internet or email.

Users must not use any programs, tools, or other methods to interfere with the system or alter the data structure. Distributing, propagating, or encouraging any activities to interfere, disrupt, or intrude into the website system is strictly prohibited. Any violations will be dealt with according to the Regulations and legal provisions.

All transaction information is kept confidential, except when required to be disclosed by legal authorities.

V. User Personal Information Protection Policy

1. Purpose and Scope of Collection

The information collected when registering an account on the Glow application:

For Technicians (service providers): When Technicians want to have an account on the Glow Platform, they register on the Glow application, providing complete information such as phone number, email, name, login password.

- For Users: Users registering an account on the Glow application need to provide information including phone number, email, name, login password.

During Usage:

- For Technicians (service providers): Technicians will provide information about the services they are providing and must regularly update current addresses and contact information.

- For Users: If users choose services at home or any other location, they must provide address and contact information.

The information provided by users can be used for the following purposes:

+ Providing services on the Glow Application as requested by users;

+ Sending service introduction information on the Glow Application to new users;

+ Analyzing, evaluating, and improving services (including the Application), technology, processes;

+ Enhancing interaction and connections with users;;

+ Resolving disputes and complaints related to the use of the Glow Application;

+ Preventing illegal activities in Vietnam..

- Without the user's consent, Glow will not provide any user-related information to third parties for advertising purposes.

2. Authorized Access to Information

Users agree that, when necessary, the following agencies/organizations/individuals have the right to access and collect users' personal information, including:

- Technicians/service providers

- Transport, Payment service providers

- Customer care department

- Glow Trading Platform Administrator

- Competent state agencies (in case of legal requirement)

- Complainants providing evidence of user violations (if any)

3. Address of the Glow Trading Platform Operator:


Address: Floor 14, No. 169 Nguyen Ngoc Vu, Trung Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: 0888129100

Email: binh.do@glowvietnam.com

4. Storage Period

+ Users can request Glow to delete personal data when they are no longer users of the Glow Application. + User information is stored for a necessary period to serve the user's requests.

5. Method of Changing Personal Information

Users are granted an account with an account name and password to access the Glow Application. After logging in, users can edit personal information.

The Glow Application commits to securing user information, making efforts, and using appropriate measures to protect the information that users provide to the Glow Application during the use of services on the Glow Application.

Not selling or transferring data information to third parties without the user's permission, except in cases required to provide user information to competent state agencies by writing or other legal provisions.

In the event that the server storing user information is attacked leading to data loss, the Glow Application will be responsible for notifying the functional authorities for timely investigation and notifying users.

If incorrect user information is found on the Glow Application, the Glow Application will delete all content posted by that user on the Glow Application.

Users need to provide information in the following cases:

- Access, order, use services on the Glow Application;

- Request for quotation, providing information, services, or support;

- Participate in surveys, prize competitions, or other promotional and advertising activities;

- Register for receiving newsletters, advertising emails, or other types of news;

- Register to participate in recruitment, submit applications, resumes;

- Collecting and using user information can only be done with the user's consent by registering an account on the Glow Application.

6. Collecting and using user information can only be done with the user's consent by registering an account on the Glow Application.

User personal information is committed to absolute confidentiality according to the personal information protection policy. The collection and use of user information are only carried out with the consent of the user, except for cases where the law has other regulations.

Users can send complaints directly or indirectly to the business by sending information to the company's address or via email: binh.do@glowvietnam.com

Glow's customer care department will support users in sending complaints related to businesses through the fastest methods.

The company is responsible for implementing technical and professional measures to verify the reported content. The processing time for reflections related to personal information is 7 days.

VI. User Rights Protection

The Glow Platform's management requires individuals to provide complete and relevant personal information when registering an account, including: Full name, contact address, email, phone number, and so on, and be responsible for the legal accuracy of the provided information. The Glow Platform's management is not responsible for and will not address any complaints related to the user's rights if it is found that all personal information provided by the user during initial registration is inaccurate.

Users have the right to directly file complaints and request compensation from relevant Technicians in cases where the service provided by the Technician is not accurate.

The Glow E-commerce Platform always ensures that the Technician who provides the service takes responsibility for compensation to the user. This is to protect the legitimate rights of users in cases of transaction conflicts that affect user interests.

VII. Management of Negative Information

1. Content Control

Content on the Glow Platform is information about Technicians for users to choose, therefore Technician information must be accurate and truthful.

Specific regulations:

-Language: Posts must use the Vietnamese language

-Images: Real photos are encouraged, and Glow recommends image files with a minimum size of 640x480 pixels. Uploaded images must be clear and undistorted.

-Price: Prices must be provided in Vietnamese Dong (VND).

Prohibited behaviors:

- Posting content with language contrary to moral standards, social ethics.

- Posting unrelated advertisements for Spa, massage services provided by the Platform.

• Advertising:

- Aesthetic-less advertisements that go against the historical, cultural, ethical, and traditional values of Vietnam.

- Advertisements that offend the reputation, dignity, and human worth of organizations and individuals.

- Advertisements that engage in unhealthy competition as defined by competition laws.

- Advertisements that violate intellectual property laws.

2. Control of Suppliers and Technicians:

a. Procedure to become a Technician/service provider (as described above):

Step 1: Agree to Glow's terms and policies.

Step 2: Create an account.

Step 3: The administration provides an account to the Technician.

b. Regulations for Suppliers/Technicians:

Technicians must provide complete information: Name, address, phone number, email, contact information on the Glow platform.

3. Process of Cooperation with Intellectual Property Rights Holders to Review and Remove Infringing Information on the Platform

Step 1: Receive information about intellectual property infringement on the Platform.

Step 2: Check and review the information.

Step 3: Confirm whether the reported intellectual property infringement is valid or not.

Step 4: Propose solutions for resolution, removal if necessary.

Furthermore, the requesting party must provide documents proving intellectual property rights (documents, confirmations from relevant authorities like the Intellectual Property Office).

4. Sanctions for Violations against Customers and Technicians:

For Users: First reminder for violations of user behavior (providing fake addresses, bombarding orders, canceling orders multiple times, etc.). The Platform's management may restrict the user's account for other transactions, and other sanctions as defined by the Platform's management.

For Technicians: Posting service information that violates the Platform's rules (as mentioned above): First reminder. Second reminder results in restricted service provision. Technicians with repeated violations will have their accounts permanently blocked, and their Partner status and privileges revoked.

Resolution of disputes and measures for dealing with actions that infringe on user rights (customer service users):

- Step 1: Customers complain about the service of the Technician via email: binh.do@glowvietnam.com. Customers can also report directly to the administration of BK VIETNAM TECHNOLOGY JOINT STOCK COMPANY.

- Step 2: Glow's Customer Care Department will receive complaints from customers (users). Depending on the nature and severity of the complaint, Glow will take specific measures to support customers (users) in resolving the dispute.

- Step 3: If the matter is beyond the capability and jurisdiction of Glow, the Administration will request that the customer (user) submit the case to the relevant state agency for resolution according to the law

Customers can send complaints to the following address:


Address: Floor 14, No. 169 Nguyen Ngoc Vu, Trung Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: 0888129100

Email: binh.do@glowvietnam.com

Complaint, Warning, Dispute Regulations

- All posts must meet the following conditions, otherwise they will be blocked:

+ The subject of the complaint is a Glow user.

+ The incident must be related to the user's post on Glow.

+ Specific evidence must be provided.

+ No offensive, vulgar, or threatening language is allowed.

- Complaints must provide specific and clear evidence, along with:

+ Account of the complainant.

+ Relevant supporting evidence links

Glow respects and diligently adheres to legal regulations regarding the protection of customer rights (users). Therefore, service providers posting on the platform are required to provide complete, accurate, truthful, and detailed information related to the service. Any fraudulent or deceptive business practices will be condemned and held fully accountable under the law.

Technicians and customers have a responsible role in actively resolving issues. Technicians, when involved in disputes, need to provide written documents authenticating information related to the conflicting issue that affects the customer. Glow is responsible for providing information related to customers and Technicians if requested by customers or parties involved in the dispute.

After Technicians and customers have resolved the dispute, they must inform the Glow administration. In cases where a transaction conflict arises due to the Technician's fault, Glow will take warnings, account suspensions, or transfer the case to the relevant legal authority based on the severity of the violation. Glow will terminate and remove all services provided by the Technician on Glow and request the Technician to compensate the customer fairly based on an agreement with the customer.

If disputes cannot be resolved through agreement and arise from transactions between the customer and the Technician, either the customer or the Technician has the right to seek intervention from the competent legal authority to ensure the legitimate interests of all parties, especially the customer.

VIII. Responsibility in Case of Technical Errors

The Glow E-commerce Platform is committed to ensuring the safety and stability of the entire technical system. However, in the event of incidents caused by Glow's errors, Glow will immediately implement measures to safeguard the rights of users.

When conducting transactions on the Platform, users are required to adhere to the provided procedures.

The Management of the Glow E-commerce Platform commits to providing the best quality service for users participating in transactions. In the event of technical errors, software malfunctions, or other objective errors that prevent users from participating in transactions, users should inform the Management of the Glow E-commerce Platform through the provided email address. We will rectify the error as soon as possible, enabling users to engage in transactions on the Glow E-commerce Platform.

However, the Management of the Glow E-commerce Platform will not be responsible for resolving issues that arise from technical errors, connectivity issues, software malfunctions, or other types of errors not caused by the Management.

IX. Rights and Responsibilities of Glow E-commerce Platform Management

1. Rights of the Glow E-commerce Platform Management

- The Glow E-commerce Platform will provide services to users who have completed the required procedures and conditions set forth by the Platform.

- In the event that there is evidence demonstrating that a user has provided inaccurate, incomplete, or law-violating information to the Glow E-commerce Platform, the Platform reserves the right to refuse, suspend, or terminate the user's service usage.

- The Glow E-commerce Platform may terminate a user's rights and usage of one or all services, and will notify the user with a notice period of at least one (01) month, if the user violates the Regulations of the Glow E-commerce Platform or engages in activities that affect business operations on the Glow E-commerce Platform.

- The Glow E-commerce Platform will review the termination of a user's service usage and rights if the user does not engage in trading activities or continuously exchange information on the Glow E-commerce Platform for three (03) months. To continue as a user and regain service usage rights, the user must re-register from the beginning following the template and procedures of the Glow E-commerce Platform.

- The Glow E-commerce Platform may immediately terminate a user's service usage and rights if the Platform discovers that the user has gone bankrupt, has been convicted, is serving a sentence, continues activities that may impose legal liability on the Platform, engages in fraudulent activities, impersonation, market disruption, undermines cohesion with other users of the Glow E-commerce Platform, or engages in activities that violate the current laws of Vietnam. Upon termination of user rights and service usage rights, all certificates and granted user rights will automatically expire and be revoked.

- The Glow E-commerce Platform holds the copyright to use services and content on the Glow E-commerce Platform in accordance with the laws on intellectual property protection in Vietnam. All symbols and content in various languages are the property of the Glow E-commerce Platform. Copying, using, and unlawfully disseminating any ownership rights is strictly prohibited.

- The Glow E-commerce Platform reserves the right to change the service price list, rates, and payment methods during the provision of services to users based on the needs and capabilities of the Glow E-commerce Platform, and will provide advance notice of one (01) month to users.

2. Duties and Responsibilities of the Glow E-commerce Platform Management

- The Glow E-commerce Platform is responsible for establishing and implementing a 'verification and monitoring mechanism to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information provided by Service Providers on the e-commerce trading platform,' as specified in Article 36, Clause 4 of Decree 52/2013/ND-CP.

- The Glow E-commerce Platform is responsible for promptly addressing issues when detecting or receiving reports of business activities violating the law on the e-commerce trading platform.

- The Glow E-commerce Platform is responsible for supporting state management agencies in investigating business activities that violate the law, providing registration information, transaction history, and other documents related to entities engaging in law-violating activities on the e-commerce trading platform.

- The Glow E-commerce Platform is responsible for publicly disclosing the dispute resolution mechanism that arises during transactions on the e-commerce trading platform. When disputes arise between customers and Service Providers on the e-commerce trading platform or legitimate interests are harmed, information about the Service Provider must be provided to the customer, actively assisting the customer in protecting their legitimate rights and interests.

- The Platform Management will strive to remove inaccurate information to the highest extent.

- The management is obligated to receive feedback from users, buying customers, and selling customers.

- The Glow E-commerce Platform is responsible for building and supplementing a system of knowledge and information about: foreign trade practices, e-commerce, domestic and international commercial legal text systems, foreign markets, as well as relevant news related to the activities of the Glow E-commerce Platform.

- The Glow E-commerce Platform will conduct promotional activities to introduce the Glow E-commerce Platform to foreign markets within the allowable scope and conditions, contributing to expanding, connecting, and fulfilling the needs of seeking business partners and developing the overseas market for users participating in the Glow E-commerce Platform.

- The Glow E-commerce Platform will make every effort within the possible scope and conditions to maintain the normal operation of the Glow E-commerce Platform

- To address incidents such as technical failures of machinery, software errors, Internet connection systems, personnel, social fluctuations, natural disasters, power outages, decisions of state agencies, or related third-party organizations.

- However, if these incidents are beyond control and fall under force majeure, causing damage to users, the Glow E-commerce Platform shall not bear joint liability.

X. Rights and Responsibilities of Parties Participating in Glow E-commerce Trading Platform

1.1. Rights and Responsibilities of Partners (Technicians, Suppliers) Using the Glow Application

a. Rights of Technicians on the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform

Technicians will be provided with a unique username and password to access and manage transactions on Glow.

- Technicians will receive guidance from the staff of the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform on using tools, features for purchasing or posting classified ads, and using utility services on the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform

- Technicians have the right to provide opinions to the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform during its operation. Suggestions can be sent directly via mail or email to the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform.

b. Obligations and Responsibilities of Technicians on the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform

- Technicians are responsible for the security and preservation of all activities using their registered username, login, password, and email.

- Technicians are responsible for promptly notifying the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform of any unauthorized, abusive, security-violating use, or the preservation of their registration and password, for both parties to cooperate in handling.

- Technicians commit that the information provided to the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform and the information posted on the platform is accurate.

- Technicians are responsible for the content, images of Personal Information, and other information, as well as the entire transaction process with partners on the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform.

- Technicians are responsible for providing information about support transactions to the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform in resolving disputes arising between customers and sellers on the Platform.

- Technicians are responsible for compensating damages for customers that can prove that the error belongs to the Technician.

- Technicians commit and agree not to use the services of the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform for illegal, fraudulent, threatening, illegal information gathering, sabotage, creating and distributing viruses that damage the system, configuration, transmission of information of the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform, or using their services for speculative purposes, market manipulation, creating fake orders, fake offers, including serving market demand predictions. In case of violation, users are responsible for their actions under the law.

- Technicians commit not to modify, alter, copy, transmit, distribute, provide, and create similar tools of the services provided by the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform to a third party without the consent of the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform in this Regulation.

- Technicians must not engage in actions that undermine the reputation of the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform in any form, such as undermining unity among users by using a secondary registered name, through a third-party registered name, or propagating information detrimental to the reputation of the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform.

- Technicians have the obligation to provide information about their business situation when requested by authorized state agencies to serve electronic commerce statistics; comply with regulations on payment, advertising, promotion, intellectual property protection, consumer protection, and other related regulations when providing services on the e-commerce trading platform.

- Technicians and Customers must be responsible according to the regulations of Vietnamese law when engaging in sensitive, provocative acts, and acts that violate the law. The Glow E-commerce Trading Platform is exempt from liability for the actions of Customers towards Technicians; Technicians towards Customers. In case of litigation, disputes, customers, and partners will work directly with each other, and the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform will provide necessary information when requested by the competent authority.

1.2. Rights and Responsibilities of Users (Individuals, Service Users) on Glow

a. Rights of Customers Participating in the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform

- Upon registering as Users, customers will create an account to enjoy the benefits within the Glow system.

- Customers will be provided with a unique registration username and password to use services, manage accounts, and the usage history of their benefits within the Glow system.

- Customers may enjoy preferential policies provided by the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform or third-party partners on the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform. These preferential policies will be resolved by the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform (if any) and will be directly posted on the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform Application or sent directly to customers.

- Customers have the right to contribute opinions to the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform during its operation. Suggestions can be sent directly via mail or email to the Glow Application.

- Customers have the right to send direct complaints and compensation requests to Glow in case the services provided by the Technician do not meet the promised quality.

b.Responsibilities of Customers Participating in the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform

- Customers will be responsible for the security, preservation, and all activities using the service under their registered username, password, and email.

- Customers and Technicians must be responsible according to the regulations of Vietnamese law when engaging in sensitive, provocative acts, and acts that violate the law. The Glow E-commerce Trading Platform is exempt from liability for the actions of Customers towards Technicians; Technicians towards Customers. In case of litigation, disputes, customers, and Technicians will work directly with each other, and the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform will provide necessary information when requested by the competent authority.

- Customers are responsible for promptly notifying the Glow Application of any unauthorized, abusive, security-violating use, or the preservation of their registered username and password for both parties to cooperate in handling.

- Customers commit that the information provided to the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform and the information they upload to the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform is accurate.

- Customers are responsible for providing information about support transactions to the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform in resolving disputes arising between Customers and Technicians on the Platform.

- Customers commit and agree not to use the services of the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform for illegal, unreasonable, fraudulent, threatening, illegal information gathering, sabotage, creating and distributing viruses that damage the system, configuration, transmission of information of the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform, or using their services for speculative purposes, market manipulation, creating fake orders, fake offers, including serving market demand predictions. In case of violation, users are responsible for their actions under the law.

- Customers commit not to modify, alter, copy, transmit, distribute, provide, and create similar tools of the services provided by the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform to a third party without the consent of the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform in this Regulation.

- Customers must not engage in actions that undermine the reputation of the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform in any form, such as undermining unity among users by using a secondary registered name, through a third-party registered name, or propagating information detrimental to the reputation of the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform.

XI. Applicable Provisions

The regulations of the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform officially take effect upon the date of signing the Decision issued with this Regulation. The Glow E-commerce Trading Platform has the right and may change this Regulation by notifying users on the Glow E-commerce Trading Platform. The continued use of the service by users after the amended Regulation is published and enforced implies that users have accepted these amended terms.

The operational regulations will be continuously updated and announced by Glow before implementation. The regulations will take effect 5 working days after the notice of change. Users participating in Glow are responsible for adhering to the current regulations when trading on the website.

XII. Commitment Clause

Any users and partners/Technicians using Glow for online trading imply that the related parties have agreed to comply with this Regulation. For any customer inquiries, please contact Glow using the information below for assistance.

Customer Support

Glow E-commerce Trading Platform

• Address: 14th Floor, 169 Nguyen Ngoc Vu, Trung Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi City, Vietnam

• • Phone: 0888129100

Email: binh.do@glowvietnam.com

Company Representative (signature, seal)

Glow logo

Glow - On-demand services booking platform

Link to download the Glow app on the App Store
Link to download the Glow app on Google Play
Glow has been registered by the Ministry of Industry and Trade


14th Floor, 169 Nguyen Ngoc Vu, Trung Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi
Business Registration Number
Glow facebook fanpage
Glow instagram fanpage
Glow's youtube channel
Glow's youtube channel
Glow's twitter channel
Glow's LinkedIn channel
Glow's tiktok channel
Glow's zalo channel
Glow's kakaotask channel
Glow's line channel
© 2022. Công ty Cổ Phần Công nghệ BK Việt Nam. GPDKKD: 0110124791 do sở KH & ĐT TP.Hà Nội cấp ngày 21/09/2022.
Địa chỉ: Tầng 14, số 169 Nguyễn Ngọc Vũ, Phường Trung Hoà, Quận Cầu Giấy, Thành phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam. Điện thoại: 0888129100. Email: support@glowvietnam.com
Glow logo

Glow - On-demand services booking platform

Glow facebook fanpage
Glow instagram fanpage
Glow's twitter channel
Glow's LinkedIn channel
Glow's tiktok channel
Glow's youtube channel
Glow's zalo channel
Glow's kakaotask channel
Glow's line channel


14th Floor, 169 Nguyen Ngoc Vu, Trung Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi
Business Registration Number
Link to download the Glow app on the App Store
Link to download the Glow app on Google Play
Glow has been registered by the Ministry of Industry and Trade
© 2022. Công ty Cổ Phần Công nghệ BK Việt Nam. GPDKKD: 0110124791 do sở KH & ĐT TP.Hà Nội cấp ngày 21/09/2022.
Địa chỉ: Tầng 14, số 169 Nguyễn Ngọc Vũ, Phường Trung Hoà, Quận Cầu Giấy, Thành phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam. Điện thoại: 0888129100. Email: support@glowvietnam.com